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More purchases — more cashback for everyone
The great cashback campfire: unite, earn, and bring spring closer!

It's time to come together and start the journey toward spring. The cashback campfire is already burning, and users control its warmth. More purchases make the fire grow, increasing the cashback for the whole community — up to X5.

Beware! Snowstorms and frosts can put the fire out and lower the cashback. So, keep the fire strong: boost your HashCoin balance and fight off the cold. Work together to reach the highest cashback and summon the warmth of spring!

How it works

Your purchases raise cashback across the ecosystem
Cashback changes dynamically
The weather forecast determines what happens next
Warm weather ⟶ cashback rises
Cold front ⟶ cashback drops

Join the adventure

Log in to activate cashback

Make purchases to increase the cashback for the entire community

Check the forecast to see upcoming changes

Stay engaged — help keep the cashback rising!

Your purchases don’t just boost your rewards — they influence the entire community's cashback. Every action counts.

Gather 'round the campfire, summon spring, and get the biggest cashback together!

Join the journey

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Published: Feb. 24, 2025