View allThe long-term game

Do you think cryptocurrency is a good asset only for the get-rich-quick scheme? Keep reading and you’ll know that this can actually be a long-term game.
In a recent survey of Huobi traders, 69% of investors said that Bitcoin was the asset they have held the longest. 45% of respondents are willing to wait for the return of their investment for over one year. And 12.5% of them are waiting for 4 years to get their benefits. The majority of respondents belong to the 26-50 age range and have an annual income of $10,000 or less.
Still thinking that you should invest in cryptocurrency only to make a quick profit? Well, this survey shows that Bitcoin is perceived by professional investors as a reliable currency. We can’t say that there is only one right way of trading, long-term or short-term, but one thing we are sure of: it is definitely the right time to invest in Bitcoin.